Free the Girls!

mEL lloyd

Mel volunteers regularly in Africa and India where she has worked alongside people suffering extreme hardship. Hence, she does not shy away from addressing difficult issues in her art.  

In Mozambique and South Africa Mel helped run free art and sewing workshops, speaking in prisons and volunteering with local charities like Free the Girls and Iris Ministries. She offers hope, friendship and practical care alongside other volunteers to help alleviate suffering while taking a stand against trafficking. 

Mel’s interactive exhibit, “House of Bras” addresses issues around trafficking and slavery. Visitors to the exhibition are encouraged to donate a bra – all bras donated are given freely to the Women in the Free the Girls Project in Mozambique, where they sell the bras to make a living for themselves and their family. 

Mel has been inspired by the colours and cultures encountered in Africa and India. Her works are a direct response to the mutual warmth and love shared while living with the poorest of the poor. Her work transcends language and speaks of her strong faith in God and her belief that He created and loves all people, whoever they are, wherever they live and no matter what life has thrown at them.  


In Translation

